Accelerated Resolution Therapy...
Accelerated Resolution Therapy is an eye-movement technique that is evidence-based for the treatment of trauma and is currently being studied for application to many other mental health concerns. Eye movements have been used in counseling sessions for many years. There is a significant body of evidence supporting the finding that inducing rapid eye movement while awake helps the brain process and resolve psychological issues. Eye movements also create relaxation in the body, just as rapid eye movement helps us sleep during REM sleep. Accelerated Resolution Therapy is designed for a therapist to guide you through processing specific scenes or events from the past that may still be troubling you. There are also ways for your counselor to help you overcome fears, phobias, and other problematic behaviors through the use of eye movements.
Our founder, Jennifer Street, served on a research team at the University of South Florida to study the effectiveness of Accelerated Resolution (or ART, for short) and a published article about the research findings can be downloaded below. Jennifer has treated everything from Post Traumatic Stress, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, Bulimia, Social Anxiety, Performance Anxiety, to childhood memories of abuse using ART(R). Jennifer is trained as a facilitator to teach other counselors how to administer Accelerated Resolution Therapy as well.
Jennifer and Ann both offer ART sessions in person. If you are an existing client and have been directed to this website for an upcoming session, please CLICK HERE to be directed to the password protected page for access to the eye-movement video.
For more information on ART(R) please visit
Our founder, Jennifer Street, served on a research team at the University of South Florida to study the effectiveness of Accelerated Resolution (or ART, for short) and a published article about the research findings can be downloaded below. Jennifer has treated everything from Post Traumatic Stress, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, Bulimia, Social Anxiety, Performance Anxiety, to childhood memories of abuse using ART(R). Jennifer is trained as a facilitator to teach other counselors how to administer Accelerated Resolution Therapy as well.
Jennifer and Ann both offer ART sessions in person. If you are an existing client and have been directed to this website for an upcoming session, please CLICK HERE to be directed to the password protected page for access to the eye-movement video.
For more information on ART(R) please visit
Journal of Behavioral Sciences
Feel free to browse the article below in which our Founder, Jennifer Street, is published as a contributing author. This article details the results of the research conducted at the University of South Florida for treating Post Traumatic Stress through Accelerated Resolution Therapy.
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